Parasite enjoys bumper UK box office weekend, set for even more screens

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As Parasite crossed £5m at the UK box office, it’s going to be in even more cinemas from next weekend.

The incredible success of the Oscar-laden movie Parasite at the box office continues, as the film smashes records for a subtitled release in the UK. The movie, on its second weekend in UK cinemas, took an incredible £2.5m after nearly trebling its screen count following its Academy Award success.

The film’s UK takings are now more than £5m, and the film is playing – with subtitles – in multiplex cinemas across the land, as well as art house and independent venues. Furthermore, this coming weekend even more screens are being added to its playlist.

The movie, reports Screen, will head onto around 550 screens in the UK this weekend. That’s now at the level that a major studio release would expect.

There’s still mileage in its theatrical window too, with the film not due to hit DVD and Blu-ray in the UK until June. With over $200m banked worldwide as well, Parasite will hopefully blaze a trail for subtitled cinema. Whether it does or doesn’t, the film remains pretty much unmissable.

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